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Knock down/rebuild, duplex development - North Beach

A sloping block and retaining walls all around the site, was a little like keyhole surgery.

We love the way Peter used the angles of our site to create a positive out of what seemed at first a negative. 

Living on the coast in North Beach, our tired old rental property had been battered by the winds and the corrosion for way too many years and was well beyond repair.  The site was sloping and there were developments surrounding us with retaining walls already in place, so developing our site seemed a little like keyhole surgery. There is a sewer easement running through the site which seemed like it was going to be a significant impediment to a good outcome.  The angular dimensions of our site had us very concerned as no standard designs were able to fit and there seemed to be a lot of wasted space.  When we met with Peter, he was very enthusiastic about the angles and was able to illustrate ways of using them to create a unique end product. When we had our home opens, we staged the properties with furniture; the real estate agents and photographers agreed that the end result was fabulous, as did the purchasers. We were able to sell for significantly more than what we had budgeted, with our return on this project way beyond our expectations.

We love the way Peter used the angles of our site to create a positive out of what seemed at first a negative.  Pete used the angles of our sites to create very interesting island benches with waterfall ends and they were a definite selling point.  Peter wasn’t sure if we would be as enthusiastic as he was about his funky angular design in the kitchen areas, so he not only presented us with an awesome design taking advantage of the angles but he even created some more standard or “vanilla” designs with straight lines that ignored the angles of the site, just in case we wanted to make a more reserved decision.

Want to unlock the development potential of your property?

Whatever you’re looking for,  we can make it a reality
 and save you thousands in the process.

Being totally independent from any builder, I can help you develop the ideal floorplan and find the best "value for money" builder most suited to your type of build. We will continue to work with you throughout the whole process ensuring you home is completed on time and on budget, assisting you with any questions along the way.
